JSC Institute of Special Technologies RAS in the field of quality of scientific and technical products (STP)
The main goal in the field of quality is the constant satisfaction of the established requirements by contractual and regulatory documents of our customers for research and development which are being implemented in the STP.
In our activity we believe that the best for our customers is the best for us.
Our main objectives in the field of STP quality are:
- continuous improvement of the scientific and methodological content of scientific developments aimed at creating promising technical, informational, structural design solutions and their orientation towards superiority over the best world standards;
- to comply with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 and GOST RV 0015-002-2012 and to improve constantly the effectiveness of Quality Management System (QMS); • to bring the policy in the field of Quality Management System (QMS) to the attention of the Institute staff and to be understood by them;
- to strengthen the Institute’s reputation as a reliable partner in the creation of scientific and technical standards of the required quality at a competitive price;
- continuous improvement of quality by involving all employees of the Institute in the collective work of like-minded people.
Our main principles for achieving the required quality of scientific and technical progress are:
- understanding of the current and anticipation of the future needs of our customers;
- high professionalism;
- application of risk-based thinking.
The Institute’s management improves its quality activities based on the requirements of international standards GOST R ISO 9001 — 2015 and the state military standard GOST RV 0015-002-2012, constantly takes care of the staff training, stimulates personal initiative and creative growth of the Institute’s employees.